Non-Hispanic Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Mexican Americans have more significant cognitive deficits over ti
In this video we will take a look at some of the key trends and techniques in the aging field.
In one large study, participants were found to have a significantly higher risk of dementia if they developed prehyperte
Key processes of aging have been elegantly described as the “Hallmarks of aging”.
There is much evidence that intervening in aging is possible and that it can be achieved in a variety of ways.
There are ways to mitigate alcohol's effect on health, one of which is using curcumin.
Plant-based diets are associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease...
Energy levels decline with age due to declining levels of cellular NAD+.
Health and wellness coaches have a positive impact on chronic disease prevention and longevity.
Mediterranean diet is one of the most popular diets characterized by consumption of fish, olive oil etc.
Smart hospitals are futuristic concepts that utilize existing technologies to advance health and improve communications
When it comes to interventions extending life, mTOR inhibition is the most effective and consistent method.
Mindfulness training, i. e. the attentive presence or a process of being aware of thoughts improves brain structure.
Sleep issues are linked to various symptoms, from anxiety and Alzheimer's disease to cardiovascular disease and obesity.
Understanding the aging process seems like the key to future age-related disease prevention.
Exercise is one of the lifestyle factors that can significantly improve the life of everybody.
Krill oil reduces energy metabolism, oxidative stress, and excitotoxicity in a study on roundworms.
The research on 3294 Chinese elders showed a positive association between rs1937 SNP and longevity.
Meditation techniques based on the secular mindfulness approach demonstrate numerous beneficial effects.
Academic education slows age-related brain degeneration.
Ability to cope with stressful situations diminishes the association between cumulative stress and aging.
Non-pituitary growth hormone damages colon epithelial cells and promotes DNA damage accumulation
The pre-vaccination immunity was constant with age in women but decreased significantly for men.